Organization vs Storage: Ideas for Tackling Narrow Kitchen Cabinet Spaces!

Stuffed Upper Cabinet

Are you tired of losing items in the back of your narrow cabinets or having to empty an entire shelf to find something?

If you are like many of us, those narrow upper and lower cabinets tend to get stuffed full of items as they are often too tight to fit roll-out shelving or dividers.

Most standard kitchens will have at least 1-2 of these types of cabinet spaces, leading to a very common clutter situation (see photo).

Check out the below idea to help you clean up and organize for a more usable space.

Storage Baskets with Handles!

If your cabinets are standard depth (~12”) with adjustable shelves, then one great storage idea is using baskets with handles to wrangle up all your loose items.

They can be clear, decorative wicker or white plastic (shown below) and can easily be found at many department or major home goods stores.

Before Cabinet Organization
Cabinet Organization

The 3 Main Benefits:

  1.  Easily and quickly retrieve all items off of a shelf at once (especially for those tall upper cabinets)
  2.  Helps to organize the space into categories or types
  3.  Contains any mess or leaks to a washable container
Pantry Organization

With this approach, you may find some storage capacity will be reduced, however you can certainly make up the difference in time and saved money. While a kitchen remodeling project will certainly force you to empty and sort through all your items, why not start the declutter and organization process today!